Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Look Mum No Hands @ Old Street

Today I am going to bring you to a cafe-bar-workshop called Look Mum No Hands! on Old Street, London. Before I continue, I must praise the weather today! It is 19'c during early of March! It is really rare to get such temperature with Mr Sunshine out shining bright and warm during March in London! Isn't it a perfect weather to go out to enjoy a cup of coffee with your friends and have a break from the miserable weather in London? Yupe, that is what I am going to do today!

So, let's begin the journey!


Before we start, here is a short clip of my journey from Old Street Station (Northern Line) to the cafe - Look Mum No Hands!

The music playing in the clip was the music that I was listening while I'm on the way to the cafe. 
I think it fits perfectly to how I want to feel about the city today - to relax and enjoy the weather.
The music makes me feel like everything around me is much calmer and lay back.
 I really do believe David Beer's theory of Tuning Out that music plays a role in reshaping how we view the place, to rewrite the narrative of the place, however it never really isolates us from the reality world that we can still feel and experience everything around us. Imagine the clip above, I've edited and replaced it with another song, probably a song with more beats, you may probably feel that the place is more energetic and dynamic instead. 

Below are some pictures taken along the way to Look Mum No Hands!

Even the bicycles want some sunshine too!

A church found along the way to the cafe.

Living in a city is known to be hectic and busy. 
I wonder of anyone have ever realise that they are actually surrounded by such beautiful wall?

I can see a culture difference here. I was born and raise in a city (Kuala Lumpur) that pedestrians do not use the traffic to cross the street. We cross the street by risk, no matter if its a red/green light, as long as there are no cars, we cross, as traffic lights were made for cars and not for humans. 
But here, you can see even while there is no car insight, as long as it is red light, pedestrians will wait. With these, I guess it has made both Kuala Lumpur and London unique in their own ways because eventually it is the people and culture that gives the city its own unique character. After all, what is a city, if it is not a manmade creation?



the exterior of the cafe-bar-workshop.
The reason why is it a cafe-bar-workshop is because other than serving just food and drinks, they do service bicycles for people too. So, this is probably one of the place where most cyclist would like to come and hang out.

The entrance of the cafe-bar-workshop.
As you can see on the left hand side, is where you can park your bicycle.

The dessert table.
According to the review I found, it is a must to try the Guinness Cake. However, I am out of luck when I was there. Probably next time then.

Love the old school signage.

The little workshop beside the food counter.

What I ate (Chicken Pie with hearty salad) and what I drank (Chai Tea Latte).
If you're a fan of Chai Tea Latte, I would recommend you to visit here. Personally I had 4 cups of it, shows how good it is.

Feels like home? Checked!

Friendly worker? Checked!
p/s: Do you see that miniature cyclist figure on top of the cashier? 

 I was early for the appointment with my friends, but it doesn't bother me to wait for them. (Who would be bothered to have such lovely weather to accompany them?) 
So, I did a little activity, taken from the book (Side Walk) mentioned on the left tab of this blog.
In this activity, I am suppose to jot down the snippets of conversation happening around me.
And, I did it!! (Please click on the picture to enlarge it)
 I feel like a stalker eves dropping on someone else's conversation.
Not until this activity, I did not realise that I tend to tune out to other people's conversations around me. We are so used to the sound of people chatting around you and it has slowly became a part of backdrop sound that you would find in the city, a sound that you have no control to that you turn immune to it.
The sound of people chit-chatting around it is just a part of the urban soundscape, you can hear it anywhere in the city, and it is the product of a city in action.

Lastly, this is also taken from the book - SideWalk, but I have alter it to fit my experience.
I changed it and listed down the people that I would recommend them to visit Look Mum No Hands.


That's all about today,
see you soon!


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